7th Grade or New Participant PJAS Registration

* 7th Grade Students or 8th Grade Students that are new to our school must create an account.

Click HERE to Register

  • The student registration screen will open.  Note that items with the red asterisk are required.  Here are explanations of some fields:
  • User name – this is what you will use to log in.  You could combine your names like CharlieBrown or go with something different like   ILovePurple14.
  • Password – must be at least 8 characters; must contain a letter and a number
  • Email – Please use a parent’s e-mail address. It needs a real e-mail address. This will become important for States.
  • Region – select Region 8
  • School/Affiliation – select St. Sebastian RS
  • Scroll down and click on Create Account.
  • In the future you will follow the first steps after you click on Online registration, but will login using your User Name and Password.
  • You have completed this part.


Student enters project information

  • After the student logs in, he/she should click on the My Projects Tab.
  • Use Create New Project to enter information about this year’s project.  If the project information has been entered, the student may change the information by clicking on Edit.
  • Project information must be entered and be correct by January 22, 2015 or the student will not be participating.
  • Select Mrs. Stockey as your Sponsor
  • In the “Project Plan” field, just put My Project.
